Grey High School Fees 2024-2025

Grey High School Fees 2024-2025

Grey High School Fees 2024-2025 – See details of Grey High School Fee structure for the 2024-2025 Academic year…

Click Here to download Grey High School fees.

School Fees

The school’s annual budget for 2022 was presented and motivated to the parent body at a meeting held on 02 November 2021.
The meeting, as required by the SA Schools Act, adopted a resolution that Grey High School continues as a fee-paying school,
and approved the budget which was presented. On the recommendation of the Board of Governors, a 6% or R 285 per month
increase in school fees was adopted. The following fee structure for the 2022 school year will apply:

School Fees

School fees R59 520 R56 545 R4 960
Instrument Hire (Mar – Dec) R 2 750 R 275

Boarding House Fees

The hostel fees were approved by the Hostel Council and subsequently approved by the Board of Governors and a
6% or R 345 per month increase in fees applies.

See also  Stenden South Africa Application Fee
Grades 8 – 12 R 71 640 R68 060 R5 970
Grade 12 (Jan-Oct) R 71 640 R68 060 R7 164

(Please note that all payments received are first allocated to school fees.)

1. DEBIT ORDER PAYMENTS: The debit orders for the year 2021 will commence on 3 January 2022 and run through to 1st December 2022. The existing debit order authorisations remain in force until cancelled in writing or your son leaves the school.
Debit orders are deducted on the 1st working day of each month. Your co-operation by planning to have funds
available on this day is appreciated. Parents are reminded that both School and Hostel fees are annual fees which may be paid off in monthly instalments as indicated above.

2. ANNUAL PAYMENTS: Fees paid annually in advance, before 31 January 2022 will be subject to a discount of R2 975 for school fees and R3 580 for hostel fees.

3. OTHER PAYMENTS: The School does not accept cash payments. Payments that are not facilitated by debit order must be made by direct deposit or electronic fund transfer (EFT) into the school’s bank account. Kindly e-mail a copy of the proof of payment to

Music Fees

For the first time since 2005, the School Governing Body has had to increase the music fees – by just R10 per month. Parents paying by debit order will have these fees added to their monthly debit order.

Confirmation of Payments

Confirmation of any payments can be made using the following email address:
Please include the following reference on the deposit slip: [student’s surname, account number, reason for payment] eg. [SMITH, SM0021, Book deposit]

Please ensure that the payment reference used is your Grey High School of payment to Please ensure that the payment reference used is your Grey High School as follows: Standard Bank, Rink Street, Branch (050417), Grey High School a/c No: 080270492.

General Information


The provision of quality education for your son is very important, hence your decision to send him to Grey High School.

Grey High School cannot operate successfully if inadequately funded.
We have a well-developed fiscal plan, aligned with our strategy, which encompasses both long-term and short-term goals.

Funding Operating Expenses and Capital Projects 

School Fees are used to fund operating expenses.
School Fees are kept at the lowest possible level. The annual fee increase covers increased operational costs and salaries.

Receipts in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act are issued in respect of donations received by Grey High School (see Funding)

Account Statements

Monthly account statements are issued.

Change of Banking Details

All parents are required to notify the School should their banking details change. These can be submitted online in order to improve our efficiency and improve the accuracy of the details on hand.

Debtor’s Policy

The methods of payment are Annually by 31 January

Monthly debit order for 12 months (January to December), the first working day of each month.

No cash payments will be accepted at Grey High School. Cash payments can be done at any branch of Standard Bank.

Interest on overdue fees is charged monthly on all outstanding tuition fees. The rate has been set at prime plus 3% to encourage parents to pay the school account on time.

Parents are obliged to complete the “Acceptance of Terms and Conditions” and the “Standard Terms and Conditions“and debit order details upon enrolment of students at the School.

Procedures for collection

Parents will be debited for fees monthly in advance. No statements will be sent to debit order accounts which are up to date.

Default on Payments

If the account is outstanding for 30 days, parents will be given seven working days after a first warning communication to settle the account. Should the account remain unpaid after the window period stated above, parents will receive a second communication.

Thereafter, the account will be handed over to either a debt collection agency, the School’s Attorneys, or another suitable agency, for collection.
All procedures and communications concerning the collection of fees will be conducted by the Bursar’s office via the Debtor’s Controller.
The Rector will not be involved in the process.
If parents do experience a financial problem, an appointment must be set up with the Debtors Controller to see if an arrangement can be made with regard to fee payments.


All communication with parents may be recorded on a data collection system. The School reserves the right to record any conversations with any parents.

All communications concerning arrangements for the payment of outstanding accounts will be confirmed in writing by Grey High School.
Collections will be allocated against the account in the following order:

  • Legal fees
  • Interest
  • School fees

Discount Allowed

Where fees are paid annually in advance, i.e. on/or before 31 January, a discount in respect of the total amount will be given. This amount will be published in the annual fee letter to parents.

Terms Associated with the Payment of School Fees

Annual fees are due on 31 January each year and are payable:

  • as a lump sum on or before 31 January; or
  • twelve monthly instalments commencing on 2 January by debit order.
  • All other methods of payment need approval from the Debtor’s Controller.

Overdue Accounts

Interest (prime plus 3%) is levied monthly on all tuition fees that are 30 days in arrears. The rate is set by School Governing Body.

RD (“Return to Drawer”) Cheques

In the event that cheques are drawn on accounts in which there are insufficient funds, an administrative fee of R50.00 will be levied on every RD cheque received.

Returned Debit Orders

In the event of debit orders returned due to insufficient funds, an administrative fee of R50.00 will be levied. Only cash (by direct deposit), bank guaranteed cheques will be accepted as further payment on accounts for which three debit orders were returned by the bank.

See Also: