Jeppe High School for Boys Application, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025

Jeppe High School for Boys Application, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025

Jeppe High School for Boys Application – Fees and Subjects 2024-2025

Jeppe High School for Boys Fees, Application – See details of the School Fee structure, Application forms and list of courses offered…

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Jeppe High School for Boys Contact Details

Jeppe High School for Boys Contact Details

Jeppe High School for Boys Contact Details – see details below…

Physical Address Corner of Roberts Avenue and Good Hope Street
GPS Co-ordinates 26°12’S; 28°5″58’E
Postal Address PO Box 28923
Telephone 011 614 1938
Fax 011 614 2527
Email Gayle Thompson
Heads of Grade Grade 8 – Ms Clark
Grade 9 – Ms Sookdev
Grade 10 – Mr Venter
Grade 11 – Mr McGeer
Grade 12 – Mr Schneider
Admissions Officer Mrs. Estelle Carstens
 SGB Chairman  Mr Michael Berger
Webmaster Kerry-Anne Faller

Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Jeppe High School for Boys.


HOD: Mrs Sharon Doubell

English is offered at a Home Language level and is taught by a dedicated and highly professional team.

The aim of the English Department at Jeppe High School for Boys is to provide learners with the skills and insights needed to engage with and interpret a wide variety of texts; to introduce learners to the rich diversity of literature written in English, both locally and globally; to develop an awareness of, and sensitivity to, the English language (appropriate grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) and its uses; to promote discussion and debate, stimulate intellectual curiosity; to be accessible to boys from all cultural backgrounds; to equip learners with the tools to participate as critical and articulate citizens in a cosmopolitan South Africa. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

Reading underpins every academic success. Boys at Jeppe are required to complete a number of set works over the course of an academic year which cover the classics as well as more contemporary titles. The boys are also encouraged to read for pleasure. This not only contributes to their fluency and comprehension of the language, but assists them in becoming well-rounded individuals. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered


HOS:   Mr. Fourie van Niekerk

The study of language is fundamental to the development of the learner’s thought structure and thought processes. The structure and discipline of language is therefore of the utmost importance in the development of the minds of young learners. Afrikaans helps the learner to develop a clear logical and reasonable way to express himself and to develop a well-formed mind. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

Afrikaans as a First Additional Language helps learners to appreciate our new dynamic and diverse country. They get an in-depth look into a culture that plays a fundamental role in the heritage and future of our country. Afrikaans is the second most spoken language in South Africa and is the mother tongue of many different communities. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

Mathew Posa, a former Premier of Mpumulanga and a speaker of nine official languages writes his poetry exclusively in Afrikaans – his mother tongue. Adam Small, Peter Snyders and Vincent Oliphant are examples of the ability of Afrikaans to speak deeply to poets and people and inspire them to use the language as their medium in portraying deep emotions and feelings. Afrikaans is the beloved ‘taal’ (language) of many people in our country. To quote Vincent Oliphant, “want een lyn van bloed loop deur die eeue, loop deur die ganse geskiedenis, loopdeur elke uithoek van die land, loop deur my en loop deur jou van Genesis tot nou”. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered


HOS: Ms Lister Moyo

isiZulu is widely-spoken in South Africa and is taught at Jeppe as a First Additional Language. Deeply rooted in KwaZulu-Natal, the language cannot be taught separately from its culture and traditions. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

The content of the subject varies from general phonetics and phonology (the writing and pronunciation of words) to syntax and semantics (structuring of words and meanings). Besides the classification of nouns and pronouns (usobizo), isiZulu also looks into tenses, adjectives, adverbs and other linguistic aspects. It would be ideal for a learner who chooses the subject to have a good primary school foundation. Syllabus coverage becomes impossible if learners have no background in the language. Literature in isiZulu is divided into two broad aspects: traditional literature (praise, poetry, folklore, sayings, riddles, rhymes, war cries and family names) and modern literature which includes novels, drama and poetry. A learner doing isiZulu will do at least four types of oral presentation which will include, reading, a speech, response to literature and listening exercises. This helps improve learner confidence in the language as well as in public presentations. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

Creativity encourages the enjoyment of the language. Creative writing, while modern, cannot be divorced from the cultural aspects of isiZulu; for example, an invitation card for a wedding is incomplete without the heading ‘Kwakuhle Kwethu’ which sends the invitees a feeling of being appreciated as part of a family or a group. The school strives each year to make a motivational cultural tour to KZN, to give the learners a glimpse of the cultural practices and general way of life of the traditional Zulu. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

The isiZulu classroom provides the learner with an environment in which to experience new knowledge. The teacher’s code switches from isiZulu to English so as to enable learners to grasp the concepts taught. Jeppe High School for Boys Subjects Offered

‘Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu’ a man is defined by how he behaves amongst others.


HOD (Acting): Ms Anna Gallucci

Maths has become compulsory for all learners.

Core Mathematics is a language that makes use of symbols and notations for describing numerical, geometric and graphical relationships. It is a human activity that involves observing, representing and investigating patterns and qualitative relationships in physical and social phenomena and between mathematical objects themselves. It helps to developmental processes that enhance logical and critical thinking, accuracy and problem-solving that will contribute to decision-making. Mathematical problem-solving enables us to understand the world (physical, social and economic) around us, and most of all teach us to think creatively. Core Mathematics caters predominantly to those learners who wish to study in Maths-related fields.

Mathematical Literacy develops competencies that allow individuals to make sense of, participate in and contribute to the twenty-first-century world – a world characterised by numbers, numerically based arguments and data represented and misrepresented in a number of different ways. Such competencies include the ability to reason, make decisions, solve problems, manage resources, interpret information, schedule events and use and apply technology. Learners must be exposed to both mathematical content and real-life contexts to develop these competencies. Mathematical content is needed to make sense of real-life contexts; on the other hand, contexts determine the content that is needed.

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Mathematical Literacy should enable the learner to become a self-managing person, a contributing worker and a participating citizen in a developing democracy. The teaching and learning of Mathematical Literacy should thus provide opportunities to analyse problems and devise ways to work mathematically in solving such problems. Opportunities to engage mathematically in this way will also assist learners to become astute consumers of the mathematics reflected in the media. Mathematical Literacy does not close the door to university, there is a wide variety of courses that can be taken by candidates with Mathematical Literacy.

At Jeppe, we offer a third option. It is an elite option and will only be available to the top maths students. We have offered Applied Programme Mathematics since 2011. This subject assists learners who are planning to study engineering, medicine and the like.

A learner must have a Mathematics exam mark above 75% to qualify to take AP Maths.


HOD: Mr Brett Riskowitz

Life Orientation allows learners to develop life skills and vital knowledge about our democratic and diverse country. It is here that healthy behaviour and mental well-being is promoted. The learners are also exposed to various study methods, as well as a varied physical fitness programme. In essence, Life Orientation teaches a holistic approach to life.

Most tertiary institutions require a minimum of 60% for the subject. Learners should therefore aim for a minimum of 80% in this subject in order to optimise their Admission Point Score.

There is a job-shadow programme that is compulsory and aims to help learners develop their skills, as well as gain knowledge about the field in which they are interested. The grade 11 learners do an aptitude test to assist them with career choices. Throughout the year, universities and colleges give talks to the learners about the courses on offer and any changes in requirements. Learners are also given opportunities to attend a variety of workshops, career exhibitions, exchange programmes and conferences, locally and internationally.

The beauty of this subject is that it can expose learners to real-life controversial issues and teach them to make informed decisions


HOD: Mr Brendan Gittins

The minimum entrance requirement for this subject is 50% in Maths examinations (Maths CASS is excluded).

The subject focuses on measuring performance, processing and communicating financial information and, covers topics such as financial accounting, managerial accounting and auditing. These topics cover a broad spectrum of Accounting to help boys prepare for tertiary education and career opportunities in the field. Boys will be taught how to manage and organise their own finances responsibly and effectively.

The main topics in the Accounting Curriculum are:

Financial Accounting: Accounting concepts, GAAP principles, book-keeping, Accounting equation, final accounts and financial statements, salaries and wages, value-added tax, reconciliations

Managerial Accounting: cost accounting, budgeting Managing Resources: fixed assets, inventory, ethics, internal control.

Accounting is a subject that the learner will find useful on a daily basis. The Jeppe Accounting Department will guide boys through their studies. As learners build their knowledge and develop the necessary skills, they will grow in confidence and discover what a valuable subject Accounting is. Accounting requires the ability to apply knowledge. It is not a learning subject, but rather one that requires regular practice. There is a strong correlation between a learner’s performance in Maths and Accounting, hence the minimum entrance requirement. Boys with a strong work ethic and math ability excel at Accounting.


HOD: Mr Brendan Gittins

The subject of Business Studies is one of the most popular elective subjects at Jeppe High School for Boys with 100 –120 boys choosing the subject in their grade ten year. The subject has an extensive syllabus which requires a dedicated work ethic and an ability to solve problems.

Business Studies necessitates a great deal of higher-order critical thinking, comprehension, and writing skills which can be a challenge for the boys. Typically boys who do well in English and have a strong work ethic will find this subject manageable. The subject suits learners who take an interest in and keep up to date with current affairs. The content also requires a large amount of study time, which aids in the higher-order questions and tasks.

The course content is relevant and practical and, although can be difficult to grasp, the information studied will be of great use once the learner has completed high school. The syllabus topics include contract and legal environments, business environments, business ventures, business strategies, entrepreneurship and various problem-solving topics.

The subject is well suited for learners who enjoy the complexities of business, wish to study Commerce or Law degrees at university, or who intend to own their own business one day. Business Studies is a relevant, vibrant and practical subject worthy of consideration.


HOS: Ms Steph Craig

CAT is the study of the practical use of computer applications, namely the use of Microsoft Office. Learners will become proficient in the use of MS Word (word processing), MS Excel (spreadsheet software), MS PowerPoint (presentation software) and MS Access (database software). Browsing skills and the use of email are also core components. In short, it will teach the basic computer skills necessary in most business environments today.

There is also a theory component, which explores what computer systems are, how they work, their impact on society, the environment, the workplace, legal implications, responsible use of technology and implications on health.

Only learners who take Mathematical Literacy will be considered for this subject. There will be limited space available and hence boys applying to do this subject will be placed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Learners need to have access to a computer that has the MS Office Professional package 2010 installed. They will also need a 4Gb (minimum) flash drive.


HOD: Mr Riaan van Blerk

The minimum entrance requirement for this subject is 45% in Maths examinations (Maths CASS is excluded).

Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) teaches internationally acknowledged principles that have both academic and technical applications. The emphasis in EGD is on teaching specific basic knowledge and various drawing techniques and skills so that EGD learners will be able to interpret and produce drawings within the contexts of Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology and Electrical Technology.

The main topics covered in EGD are general drawing principles for all technological drawings, free-hand drawing, instrument drawing, first and third-angle orthographic projections, descriptive and solid geometry, mechanical working drawing, civil working drawing, isometric drawing, perspective drawing, electrical diagrams, interpenetrations and developments, loci of helixes, cams and mechanisms, the design process, CAD (Computer-Aided Drawing/Design).

Each EGD learner must have the approved EGD textbook with self-explanatory examples and exercises for each topic. A workbook/work file may be used only in conjunction with a textbook and not as a substitution for a textbook.

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The following requirements should be the responsibility of the learner: a large file, masking tape, drawing pencil: 2H, 3H or 4H, eraser, ruler, 30°/60° drawing set square, 45° drawing set square, drawing compass, preferably with an adjustment wheel, divider, small protractor, dust cloth, calculator.

EGD requires the ability to apply knowledge. It is not a learning subject, but rather one that requires regular practice. There is a strong correlation between a learner’s performance in Maths and EGD, hence the minimum entrance requirement.


HOS: Ms Lindy-Ann Theunissen

Geography is current, dynamic, exciting and relevant. Geography encompasses a myriad of topics. It looks at how humans interact with and impact the environment. With sustainability as a global priority, our boys could have a hand in improving the state of our world. Geography will equip learners with a thorough understanding of natural and man-made disasters and will empower learners with the skills to read and interpret any map. Learners will discover what fuels our economy and what is happening to our population. GIS – Geographic Information Systems is a whole new field that is becoming more and more relevant in the world today!

The subject of Geography falls under the broader classifications of Humanities. Geography is a “bridge subject that forms an integral link between the sciences and the humanities at university and in the workplace”. Geography is accepted as a subject in the BA and BSC fields of study. It is a subject that will give the learner exposure to critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills and life skills. Geography is relevant to engineering, environmental law, environmental impact studies, geology, mining, archaeology, travel and tourism, meteorology, aeronautics, and marine biology to name but a few.

With the state that our world is in now, career opportunities are vast according to the United Nations. One of America’s governours has said, “We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”


Acting HOD: Ms Sashquita Northey

History will enable learners to develop skills that are both verbal and analytical. A learner will become empowered to really see the world in which he is growing up, and it will assist him in a way he positions himself in the marketplace as he moves toward employment.

History is a subject that enables a boy to score well in his Matric examination and allows his application for tertiary studies to be more successful.

Knowing about your world and understanding the motives of the powerful and ambitious is always useful. Being aware of oneself in a historical context is most important for each individual. The History Department will encourage the learner to become a thinking and responsible South African, fully aware of his surroundings and the people who are shaping his future.

Learners with good reading and writing skills excel in History.


HOS: Ms Stephanie Craig

The minimum entrance requirement for this subject is 55% in Maths examinations (Maths CASS is excluded).

Information Technology at the school level has two components: theory and practical (programming). These two components are expected of any student who wishes to study engineering, surveying and ICT systems. Many of these tertiary level courses have ICT as a compulsory module in the first and second years.

The practical component teaches the student programming principles, first by means of a visual programming application (Scratch); followed by the event-driven Delphi. The principles include variables, mathematical operators, string handling, loops, conditional statements and arrays. With the focus on programming principles and problem-solving, the leap from a single language at the secondary level to a variety of languages at the tertiary level is achieved with relative ease.

Theoretically, fundamentals of hardware and software, networking, database design and normalisation are covered, amongst other topics, over the three-year course. The content is covered in the textbook; however, learners are expected to do additional reading regarding current trends in ICT, from magazines, internet articles etc.

Learners are expected to spend a minimum of an hour a day practising their programming skills. To this end, it is compulsory for any learner wishing to take IT as a subject to have daily access to a computer.


HOS: Mr Asgar Amod

The minimum entrance requirement for this subject is 40% in Maths examinations (Maths CASS is excluded).

Life Sciences is a science and as such it demands a particular attitude and aptitude for the subject.

The subject matter is intensive and comprehensive. Through the FET phase (grades 10 to 12) the following knowledge areas are covered: life at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels; life and processes in plants and animals; diversity change and continuity; and environmental studies.

At the tertiary level, one has to have a chemistry background in order to study Life Sciences. This emphasises the scientific nature of this subject. Some qualities of a successful learner in this subject are: good reading skills, a willingness and commitment to work daily on the subject matter, the ability to prioritise and analytical skills.


HOD: Mr Shaun McGeer

The minimum entrance requirement for this subject is 50% in Maths examinations. (Maths CASS is excluded.)

The Science Department at Jeppe High School for Boys focuses on the ‘hands-on’ practical approach. The labs are equipped with gas outlets enabling practicals to be done; new equipment has been ordered and more is on the way; classes have been fitted with projectors to help all learners understand by means of science simulations.

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Moving from grade 9 to grade 10 is a big jump and one of the most important focus points is the change of continuous assessment and exam marks. In grade 9 it lies at 40% (CASS) and 60% (exam), however in grade 10 it becomes 25% (CASS) and 75% (exam), more focus is placed on the exams. So be prepared! When starting Science in grade 10 the focus falls purely on Physics and Chemistry, there is no longer a Biology component as in grades 8 and 9. Science is a subject that requires constant practice throughout the year. Far too often boys feel they can skip homework and still cope. This is not the case. Each year, after grade 10, information and concepts are built on the previous year’s knowledge. Make the right decision from the start. It is important not to jump between subjects on your way to matric. This is not only detrimental to the new subject but also puts a huge strain on the child. Commit to the decision made.

The importance of Science today is beyond description and is vital for university entrance, but it requires hard work. We as a Science Department will make every opportunity available to learners to succeed in this subject. Success begins with the learner’s attitude and commitment to succeed. Consistently working throughout the year is key.

Physical Science requires the ability to apply knowledge. It is not a learning subject, but rather one that requires regular practice. There is a strong correlation between a learner’s performance in Maths and Physical Science, hence the minimum entrance requirement.

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HOS: Mr Deon van Dorp

It is a popular misnomer that a learner has to have a talent or previous training to select the subject and, that Art carries no points towards gaining entrance into tertiary institutions.

Contrary to popular belief, the Visual Art student need not necessarily have a facility or talent for the subject. He will through time, practice and hard work be able to learn the disciplines of Art in the same way that he would learn the necessary skills to excel in subjects such as Maths.

With regards to university, a distinction in Visual Art will garner the learner seven points towards entrance into the degree course of his choice. These points can be used to study in any field and need not necessarily be used for study in the Humanities.

The Visual Art Department consistently produces an average mark 25-30% higher than the GDE average. In 2014 three of our matriculants achieved 100% averages.

Boys need to be disciplined, hardworking, ambitious, self-motivated, creative and imaginative.

Visual Art comprises both a theory and a practical component. This in effect means that your son is selecting the equivalent of two subjects. Practical will require an extra investment of homework time. Visual Art can be an immeasurably rewarding experience at Jeppe High School for Boys.

Jeppe High School for Boys Fees

Jeppe High School for Boys Application Form

Jeppe High School for Boys Application Form 2024-2025 – See details below to apply…

The Admissions process at a Public School is governed by legislation and regulations.

Application forms need to be completed in full and submitted to the School. Submissions can be made Monday – Friday from 08:00 to 12:00.

Please note that Jeppe High School for Boys is a secondary school, catering for Grades 8 – 12 only.

Before you proceed with application, click on the links below for information:

We expect that applicants with aspirations of becoming part of the Jeppe family would subscribe to the basic      ethos of the School which has a history and tradition built up since 1890:

  • There are a strong spirit and loyalty to the Jeppe “Family” (the Prep School, the Girls’ School, the Alumni Associations and the Jeppe Quondam Club);
  • Participation in co-curricular sporting and cultural activities is expected – there are over 20 Clubs and Societies in which learners may find opportunities to develop their latent abilities, interests and leadership skills;
  • Jeppe is a boarding school – both weekly (Sunday night to Friday afternoon/Saturday morning) and termly boarding are offered. Jeppe has provided a ‘home from home’ for generations of Jeppe boys;
  • There is a traditional approach to school uniforms and codes of conduct as standards relating to haircuts, dress and behaviour are expected to be upheld by all. Boys are expected to wear their school colours with pride;
  • Parents, learners, and staff are committed to a multi-cultural approach to education i.e. although the basic cultural environment of the School and language of teaching and learning in English, learners must learn tolerance and respect for those of other cultures and home languages;
  • Academic standards, sporting achievement, cultural activities and the general tone of the School must be maintained;
  • The current pupil/teacher ratio is 21:1 with a maximum class size of 30 striven for;
  • All Grades 8 and 9 pupils take the same learning areas in accordance with the National Curriculum;
  • A wide range of subject choices is offered in Grades 10 – 12 but there is particular emphasis on maths, science, and the humanities. Boys wishing to specialize in commercial, technical or arts fields should apply elsewhere;
    • The optional subjects for Grades 10 – 12 are (boys are required to take  three of them (previously-used names for some subjects are included in brackets for sake of clarity): Accounting, Business Studies, Civil Technology (Woodwork), Engineering Graphics and Design (Technical Drawing), Geography, History, Information Technology (Computer Studies), Life Sciences (Biology), Physical Science, Visual Art (Art);
      • All boys are required to take Engli  sh, Afrikaans (or isiZulu), Mathematics (or Mathematical Literacy) and Life Orientation;
  • Parents of applicants need to be willing to accept the commensurate financial responsibility attached to all the benefits their sons receive at Jeppe – where they receive a private school quality education at public school rates.

Expression of Interest Form

For further details, please contact:

Manager: New Admissions
Estelle Carstens


Manager: Elite Recruitment
Ronald White