Kingsmead College Application Form 2024-2025

Kingsmead College Application Form 2024-2025

Kingsmead College Application Form 2024-2025 – See details below to apply…

Complete the online application forms for admission to the Junior and Senior schools.

Please note that your application will not be saved until it is processed so please ensure that you have already paid your admission fee and have your proof of payment and other documents ready to upload before you begin filling in the online application.

Please note that there is a non-refundable deposit of R500 per application.

Kingsmead College Banking Details:
Account Name: Kingsmead College
Bank: Nedbank
Branch Code: 198765
Account No: 1190679302
Please use your ‘Surname’ and ‘Reg Fee’ as a Reference

Complete your Kingsmead College Online Application Form (Senior School) right here.

Admission Policy


1.1.             Kingsmead is an independent educational institution for girls, which aspires to reflect the constitutionally enshrined rights of equality, dignity, education, and children’s best interests in its admission policy.

1.2.             As a school, Kingsmead is committed to non-discrimination and transformation that reflects our country’s diversity, in all its facets, in its admission of girls.

1.3.             Kingsmead, exceptionally, does not conduct entrance examinations as a requirement for admission.

1.4.             Historically, Kingsmead seeks in terms of its ethos, to embrace the individual potential of each student to whom it offers a place at the school.

Admission formalities

2.1.             Applications for admission, which must be made in the required format, pre-suppose that parents subscribe to Kingsmead values and as such parents and their children will abide by all the school’s policies which may be amended as circumstances require, in relation to all aspects of school life including transformation, uniform, school fees, conduct, non-bullying, information technology and attendance at compulsory school activities.

2.2.             It is a prerequisite for admission that parents undertake to abide by Kingsmead policies, as may be amended from time to time.

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2.3.             Parents are required to sign the Kingsmead parent/school contract which regulates the relationship with the school, on the acceptance of a place for a student at Kingsmead.

Admission criteria

The headmistress of both Kingsmead’s senior and junior schools exercises sole discretion to offer a place to a student at Kingsmead, and utilises the following criteria, in no particular order of preference in exercising such discretion:

3.1.             Date of application – it is recommended that the application be made as soon as practically possible;

3.2.             Whether the admission will advance diversity within the school and grade. Due consideration will be given to students of previously disadvantaged individuals;

3.3.             Whether the girl is a child of a permanent staff member of Kingsmead;

3.4.             All attempts will be made to secure places for siblings of girls already at Kingsmead, to ensure family bonds are cultivated;

3.5.             Whether the girl is the daughter of an old girl who matriculated at Kingsmead;

3.6.             Whether Kingsmead has the capacity to offer such additional support as may be required to a girl seeking admission;

3.7.             Generally, girls are required to be aged within two years of the average class age, for the development of social skills;

3.8.             Any other relevant factor necessary to consider to reach a fair decision on admission.

The headmistress or a suitable representative will conduct personal, formal interviews with applicants and weigh the criteria mentioned above in the exercise of discretion in the best interests of Kingsmead and the student concerned.

Formal procedure

Both the senior and junior schools require formal applications for admission in writing, which will be made available to applicants upon request.

School fees

5.1.             Kingsmead is a private school that receives no state funding.

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5.2.             All parents are expected to pay school fees, except those students who have been awarded scholarships or bursaries and students of permanent teaching staff who receive discounted fees.

5.3.             A non-refundable acceptance fee, prescribed annually, is payable before admission.

5.4.             Kingsmead reserves the right to conduct a credit and background check on parents, before offering a position to a student.

Effective date

6.1.             The policy is applicable to admissions of students seeking places from April 2024.

6.2.             The policy was approved by the Kingsmead council in March 2024.