University of the Free State UFS Department of Practical and Missional Theology

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University of the Free State UFS Department of Practical and Missional Theology

UFS Department of Practical and Missional Theology – Check below:

This department houses two disciplines, namely Practical Theology and Missional Theology.

Practical Theology has the following purposes:

• To develop a critical and contextually relevant theological praxis through community interaction.
• To assist people with a vocation to be part of God’s mission to the world, by developing the following as followers of Jesus Christ:
 spiritual maturity and awareness of calling;
 theological and hermeneutical abilities;
 character and personality development;
 ministry understanding and skills, and
 contextual sensitivity,
so that they can be of service within the faith communities and in society at large.
• To make a contribution, through relevant, timely, and high-quality research, in cooperation with other partners and networks, towards the understanding and transformation of the community and society.

Practical Theology includes the following fields of study:

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o pastoral care;
o homiletics and liturgy;
o faith formation;
o congregational studies and leadership, and
o spirituality.

Missional Theology has the following purposes:

• To deal with the service of the church to the Kingdom, and then to focus on the mission of the church in this world through the missio Dei.
• To consider the Biblical foundations of missionary work through the theology of mission.
• To reflect on dialogue with various world religions.
• To engage through the theology of mission with the many challenges of the present world.
• To answer questions posed by the ideologies to the church in mission.
• To reflect on the history of the mission of the church.