University of Limpopo School Of Social Sciences

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University of Limpopo School Of Social Sciences

University of Limpopo School Of Social Sciences – See Details Below:

The School of Social Sciences is at the cutting edge of training leading social scientists who contribute greatly to the provision of much-sought leadership locally, regionally and nationally.

The University of Limpopo is located in a rural area and this place the School in a strategic position to ameliorate problems of poverty and under-development through the use of locally developed resources. The programmes delivered by the school have been crafted in response to the needs of the university’s immediate environment as well as national imperatives.

The School of Social Sciences aspires to be an “innovative premier school for Afrocentric advancement of social and human development”.

In order to give effect to the vision of the School of Social Sciences, the School develops well-grounded and critical graduates for our communities through:

  • Academic excellence in teaching and learning;
  • Enhanced research, and postgraduate output;
  • Improved community and stakeholder engagement; and
  • Good corporate governance
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Welcome to the website of the School of Social Sciences (SSS). The SSS is the largest of the three Schools in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Limpopo. 

It comprises five departments, namely, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Cultural and Political Sciences, Psychology, Social Work and Sociology and Anthropology. The SSS aspires to be an innovative premier school for the Afrocentric advancement of social and human development.

 In order to achieve this vision, we have as our mission “to develop well-grounded and critical graduates for our communities through academic excellence in teaching and learning; enhanced research, and postgraduate output; improved community and stakeholder engagement; and good corporate governance”.

The SSS has a long and distinguished record and a purpose that is at the very heart of the University’s mission. The School mission draws from our rich history at the University of the North to the current and future aspirations of the University of Limpopo, whose motto is “Finding solutions for Africa”.

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The School offers high-quality education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in a variety of fields and has a substantial research profile. Our graduates are equipped with the skills of critical thinking, effective communication, and social responsiveness; and they have the ability to interact well in contexts of social diversity. They also have successful careers in the fields of Psychology, Social Work, Community Development, Cultural and Knowledge Management, Politics, Teaching, and consultancy to mention just a few.

At the undergraduate level The Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) offers four streams, namely:

  • Criminology and Psychology
  • Cultural Studies
  • Political Studies
  • Sociology and Anthropology

We also offer two professional degrees, namely: Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Social Work, as well as an exciting range of postgraduate programmes at Honours, Master and Doctoral levels.

Students and staff engage in discipline-specific as well as interdisciplinary research. There is a substantial research collection which is reflected in the broad range of peer-reviewed publications by staff and students in the SSS. There are rich possibilities for fieldwork in neighbouring communities as part of research and community engagement.

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We take pride in serving the people of the Limpopo Province and the world through the discovery, creation and application of knowledge.   The knowledge is disseminated through teaching, publication, and through community engagement.

We are also dedicated to the belief that the breadth and depth of exposure offered by the SSS prepare our students for success in a world in which the one constant changes.

We invite you to enrol for your studies in one of the most dynamic Schools in South Africa.

University of Limpopo School Of Social Sciences Admission Requirements

University of Limpopo School Of Social Sciences Programmes