University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions 2023-2024

University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions 2023-2024

University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions – see details below:

Attention Apple Mac users: Please do not complete, save and send the Adobe Acrobat form to us on an Apple Mac – the form will be blank when viewed on a PC. Rather, print it out once you have completed it, and then scan and upload it as a single PDF form on PeopleSoft self-service.

Academic standing at the end of the previous academic year of ‘not eligible to continue (RENN) means that you are not permitted to renew your registration in the current academic year as you have not met the minimum academic requirements to do so.

Academic standing at the end of the previous academic year of ‘eligible to continue if SUPP/DE passed’ (SUPP) means that your readmission to UCT in the current academic year depends on the outcome of your supplementary/deferred examinations. You must appeal before your supplementary/deferred examination results are released at the end of January. If you do not appeal by the deadline and you later fail your supplementary or deferred examinations, you will not be allowed to submit a late appeal.

Each Faculty has a Readmission Appeal Committee (RAC). The RAC meets to consider appeals from students who have failed to meet the re-registration requirements but are appealing for readmission. Your appeal goes to ONE faculty RAC only. This need not be the faculty where you were registered in the previous academic year.

This is the process you must follow if you wish to appeal the Faculty Examination Committee’s decision to deny you re-registration in the current academic year:

Please note that the RAC is the only body that can hear your appeal and its decision will be final. No second or further appeal to a higher body is possible. As such, you must include all evidence of circumstances that would justify your readmission in your appeal. Such evidence would include, for example:

  • medical/death certificates
  • sworn affidavits
  • travel itineraries and tickets.

If these are not available by 6 January the current academic year, submit the appeal and indicate in the checklist what is to follow.

Step 1: Read this information sheet carefully.

Step 2: Complete the correct appeal form (make sure that you have completed the checklist at the end of this information sheet). Please note that undergraduate and postgraduate students have separate forms. Do not use old forms.

Please make sure that before you submit your appeal that you make and keep a copy of your appeal form and any supporting documentation. University of Cape Town UCT Readmissions

Save your appeal form and all supporting documentation as a SINGLE PDF file.

Step 3: Upload your appeal on PeopleSoft Self Service using the RAC Service Request by the deadline date and time:

Monday 6 January the current academic year by 12h00

Your appeal form and supporting documents that have been saved as a SINGLE PDF file can only be submitted via PeopleSoft Self Service. Go to the Readmission Appeal Service Request upload for instructions on how to submit.

Step 4: The Student Records Office will send your appeal to the Faculty RAC to which you have appealed. Please do not include your UCT and matric results in your application.

Step 5: The RAC will consider your appeal.

Step 6: The RAC will write to you to inform you of their decision (for further information about this, please read the section titled ‘Appeal Results’).

Step 7: We strongly urge you to start making plans for what you will do in the current academic year if your appeal fails and you are denied readmission to UCT. Please do not wait until you know the outcome of your appeal to start planning for the current academic year as you may be too late to gain entrance into another institution.

Reasons for Appeal

As mentioned above, it is important that you provide as much context and supporting information as possible to get a full picture of why you struggled academically through the year. Supporting reasons may be, for example, accommodation problems, your financial position, any emotional problems you may have had, any ill health, or family difficulties.

When the RAC evaluates appeals, members of the committee read the full appeal and are guided in their considerations by three specific questions. These are set out below.  You are advised to draft your appeal in a way that provides information to the RAC accordingly.

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(a) Were there significant events or circumstances, probably mostly beyond the control of the student, which impacted adversely on the student’s academic performance and explain the poor academic performance and was these circumstances well beyond the events or circumstances which happen to most students from time to time?

(b) Is there evidence (letters, documents, etc.) to confirm the events or circumstances, and a clear description of how they affected the student and does the timing of the events correlate with the poor performance?

(c) Is there evidence that the difficulties have been dealt with, or are being dealt with, or that there are plans in place so that there is a good chance that the poor performance will not simply repeat itself this year.

In addition, the committee looks carefully at the academic record, to try to evaluate whether, despite your academic record, there may be evidence of progress in key courses which might indicate a potential to complete the degree.

If you intend to appeal to a different faculty to where you were previously registered, you should refer to the relevant Faculty website and electronic Faculty handbooks: to find out what programmes they offer. If you choose to apply to a different Faculty, you must provide motivation as to why you should be considered for entry into that Faculty.

Help and Advice

If you need help completing the form, or need advice on changing programmes or Faculties, please contact the relevant curriculum advisors below. Be aware that people may be unavailable due to public and other holidays.

Faculty Contact Person E-mail address
COM A/Prof Tessa Minter
EBE A/Prof Pieter Levecque
FHS A/Prof Gonda Perez
HUM Dr Jessica Tiffin
LAW Ms Mathabo Baase
SCI A/Prof David Gammon

For additional support or advice you should contact:

Who to contact Telephone E-mail
Careers Services:(Careers advice) 021 650 2497/8
Student Wellness Centre:(Psychological support) 021 650 1017/20

Appeal Results

The Faculty will send you written confirmation of your RAC outcome. In addition, you can check PeopleSoft on the following dates to see the outcome of your appeal. Click here for dates University of Cape Town UCT Oracle PeopleSoft Sign in

Faculty Contact Person E-mail address
COM Isa Mkoka
EBE Zaeem Najaar 
FHS Carmen Cloete
HUM Charlton Esterhuizen
LAW Kelly van der Vent
SCI Amy Rooks-Smith

Questions about submitting your form on PeopleSoft

Should you have any technical issues with the PeopleSoft system, please email Student Systems Support at or phone 021 650 5227/4720.

If you are unable to access the internet to submit your appeal on PeopleSoft please contact the Student Records Office on 021 650 3595. Do not wait until you return to campus to inform us that you did not have internet.

Final date for appeals

Monday 6 January the current academic year by 12h00

The RAC may decline to consider applications submitted late.


This checklist is to aid you in the completion of your appeal form.

  • Have you completed your appeal form?
  • (Undergraduate only) If you are applying to another faculty, did you motivate your request to transfer?
  • If you ticked that you are appealing to another faculty, have you contacted the Faculty Office concerned? Has supporting documentation (if relevant and/or including a motivation) been attached?
  • If you are appealing to transfer to another qualification have you checked that you would meet the current entrance requirements of that qualification? If not, the RAC cannot make an admissions decision.
  • Is your appeal clearly written and does it include all relevant evidence to support the reason(s) for your poor performance? Remember that all information submitted to the RAC remains confidential, and withholding vital information will jeopardise your appeal.
  • (Undergraduate only) If you are appealing/applying to the Humanities and/or Commerce Faculties, have you included a completed curriculum plan?
  • Have you combined your appeal form and supporting documents into a SINGLE PDF file and submitted your appeal on PeopleSoft?

Please Note: In cases where you are unable to include certain supporting documentation with your initial appeal submission, kindly upload the additional documentation via PeopleSoft Self Service by creating a NEW Service Request. Click here for the instructions which are available via Vula.