UFS Advanced Certificate in Teaching ACT Online Application

UFS Advanced Certificate in Teaching ACT Online Application

UFS Advanced Certificate in Teaching ACT Online Application – Apply Now:

How to Get Started

Getting started on your ACT programme online is easy. Simply follow these steps:

1. Before starting your application:

Make sure you qualify to apply.

For more information, consult the ACT Programme Guide, kindly email Online@ufs.ac.za
or SMS +27 82 548 2493 for response or call 0800 982 167.

2. Start your online application by clicking on the ‘Start New Application’ button.

You will need to submit copies of your identification document or passport, teacher employment confirmation (download Workplace Confirmation Letter), and academic records. Have your scanned copies (PDF or JPEG format) ready before you start your application.

Before you proceed to application, click on the links below for information:


University of the Free State UFS Courses Offered

University of the Free State UFS Admission Requirements

University of the Free State UFS Tuition Fees

See also  SACAP Foreign Qualifications

University of the Free State UFS Prospectus

University of the Free State UFS Bursaries

Your application will be saved as you go, in the event that you need to complete it later.

3. After submitting your application, you will receive an email confirming that the UFS has received it.

4. The UFS will contact you regarding the status of your application.