UFS First Years Academic Merit Wards from Grade 12

UFS First Years Academic Merit Wards from Grade 12

UFS First Years Academic Merit Wards from Grade 12 – Check below:

The University reserves the right to amend without prior notice, the regulations and award values and/or conditions applicable to the allocation of awards. The class fee accounts of students who qualify for academic merit awards will be credited with the amount of the award after they register as students at this University.

The following scale is used to allocate awards:
point Amount
35 – 37 R6 000
38 – 40 R10 000
41 – 43 R15 000
44+ R20 000

NSC-level of
required by
Point (AP)
7(90% – 100%) 8(90% – 100%) 8
7(80% – 89%) 7(80% – 89%) 7
6(70% – 79%) 6(70% – 79%) 6
5(60% – 69%) 5(60% – 69%) 5
4(50% – 59%) 4(50% – 59%) 4
3(40% – 49%) 3(40% – 49%) 3
2(30% – 39%) 2(30% – 39%) 2
1(0% – 29%) – –

The subject Life Orientation receives only 1 point if a student achieved a level of 5 (60%) or more. These awards are automatically allocated to new students on the basis of performance in the final matriculation examination.

Students from the University Access Programmes

See also  University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Law

Academic merit awards will be allocated to qualifying students registered for one of the following:
– The University Preparation Programmes
– Extended Programmes
– The Higher Certificate in Humanities
– The Higher Certificate in BCom
– The Higher Certificate in BAdmin
The calculation for the above mentioned merit awards only applies to the courses offered by this

Varsity College Students

UFS Varsity College LLB students are eligible for academic merit awards to the value of 50% of an award
of a Bloemfontein Campus student. All other terms and conditions also apply to these students.

 First-year students who first registered at other higher education institution
First-time entering first-year students, who first registered at other higher education institutions,
discontinued their studies and then register at this University, will not qualify for academic merit awards
during their first year of study

 Interruption of studies
In order to qualify for an academic merit award, a student must again register at the University as a student.
If there is an interruption of more than 5 years between the last examination, matriculation or university
and the year in which the award must be allocated, the student does not qualify for an award.

See also  Milpark Business School MBA

 Discontinuation of study
If a student discontinues his course during the year, the award will be recovered pro rata.

 Final year students
Students who qualified for the academic merit award at the end of their final year of study need to register
for a degree at the UFS within 5 years. If a student do not register within 5 years from their final year of
study the academic merit award will be forfeited.

 Payment of academic merit awards
Students who qualify for an academic merit award will have the award amount credited to their class fee
account after registration at the UFS.

The student undertakes to complete his degree studies at this university. If he/she does not complete the
course, Council reserves the right to claim back the award as a whole or a part thereof which may already
have been paid out to him/her. However, every case will be treated on merit.

See also  University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Engineering

 An award may at any time be withdrawn if the behaviour, diligence or progress of the student is found to
be unsatisfactory. If the examination results of a qualifying student are such that he/she will have to repeat
the studies of a full year/semester, the award will be regarded as a study loan and it will have to be paid
back. UFS First Years Academic Merit Wards from Grade 12

 Occasional studies
Students who register for occasional studies do not qualify for merit awards based on their academic
achievement of the previous year nor academic achievements during their occasional studies.

 BML (Baccalaureus in Management Leadership)
Students who register for BML studies do not qualify for merit awards based on academic achievements
during their BML studies.
Terms and conditions apply.