Rhodes University Human Kinetics and Ergonomics Contact

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Rhodes University Human Kinetics and Ergonomics Contact

Rhodes University Human Kinetics and Ergonomics Department Contact

Rhodes University Human Kinetics and Ergonomics Contact – See Details Below:

Contact Us

Feel free to contact the Department with any queries.

Department of Human Kinetics and Ergonomics
Location of the HKE department
(click to enlarge or download the HKE map in pdf format)Rhodes University
PO Box 94
Upper African Street
e-mail: hke@ru.ac.za
Tel: +27-046-603-8471
Fax: +27-046-603-8934

Head of Department
Prof Candice Christie
e-mail: c.christie@ru.ac.za

Dr Swantje Zschernack (Acting HoD January – June 2017)
e-mail: s.zschernack@ru.ac.za

See also  Rhodes University School of Business Contact