Rhodes University Faculty of Humanities Contact

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Rhodes University Faculty of Humanities Contact

Rhodes University Faculty of Humanities Contact

Rhodes University Faculty of Humanities Contact – See Details Below:

Contact Us

Faculty Office

Dean: Prof Tom Martin: humanities@ru.ac.za

Deputy Dean (Academic): Prof Mark de Vos: m.devos@ru.ac.za

Deputy Dean (Research): Prof Enocent Msindo: e.msindo@ru.ac.za

Faculty Officer: Karen Kouari: k.kouari@ru.ac.za

Phone: 046 603 8362

Please note that due to busy schedules e-mail is the preferred method of communication for the Dean and Deputy Deans. Please copy k.kouari@ru.ac.za into all correspondence to ensure a timeous response.

All queries with regards to students and the faculty can be directed to Ms Karen Kouari preferably via e-mail.

See also  University of Western Cape UWC Faculty of Dentistry Contact