List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria

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List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria

List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria

List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria – See Details Below:

Undergraduate Courses 

  • BA Audiology
  • BA Fine Arts
  • BA Information Design
  • BA Languages
  • BA Law
  • BA Speech-Language Pathology
  • BA Visual Studies
  • BAdmin Public Management and International Relations
  • BAdminHons Public Administration and Management
  • BAgricHons Extension
  • BAgricHons Rural Development
  • BAHons African Languages
  • BAHons Afrikaans
  • BAHons Ancient Languages and Cultures Studies
  • BAHons Applied Language Studies
  • BAHons Archaeology
  • BAHons Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • BAHons Criminology
  • BAHons Drama and Film Studies
  • BAHons English
  • BAHons French
  • BAHons German
  • BAHons International Relations
  • BAHons Literary Theory
  • BAHons Music
  • BAHons Philosophy
  • BAHons Political Science
  • BAHons Spanish
  • BAHons Visual Studies

READ ALSO:University of Pretoria Online Application

  • BCom Accounting Sciences
  • BCom Agribusiness Management
  • BCom Business Management
  • BCom Econometrics
  • BCom Economics
  • BCom Extended programme
  • BCom Financial Sciences
  • BCom Human Resource Management
  • BCom Informatics Information Systems
  • BCom Investment Management
  • BCom Law
  • BCom Marketing Management
  • BCom Statistics and Data Science
  • BCom Supply Chain Management
  • BComHons Agricultural Economics
  • BComHons Business Management
  • BComHons Communication Management
  • BComHons Econometrics
  • BComHons Economics
  • BComHons Financial Management Sciences
  • BComHons Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
  • BComHons Industrial Psychology
  • BComHons Informatics
  • BComHons Internal Auditing
  • BComHons Investment Management
  • BComHons Marketing Management
  • BComHons Mathematical Statistics
  • BComHons Statistics and Data Science
  • BComHons Supply Chain Management
  • BComHons Taxation
  • BComHons Tourism Management
  • BConSci Clothing Retail Management
  • BConSci Food Retail Management
  • BConSci Hospitality Management
  • BDietetics
  • BDiv
  • BDram
  • BEd Foundation Phase Teaching
  • BEd Intermediate Phase Teaching
  • BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching
  • BEdHons Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
  • BEdHons Computer-integrated Education
  • BEdHons Education Management, Law and Policy
  • BEdHons Education Management, Law and Policy (Distance Education)
  • BEdHons Educational Psychology
  • BEdHons Learning Support
  • BEdHons Learning Support (Distance Education)
  • BEdHons Life Sciences Education
  • BEdHons Mathematics Education
  • BEdHons Physical Sciences Education
  • BEdHons Teacher Education and Professional Development
  • BEdHons Technology Education
  • BEng Chemical Engineering
  • BEng Chemical Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Civil Engineering
  • BEng Civil Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Computer Engineering
  • BEng Computer Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Electrical Engineering
  • BEng Electrical Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Electronic Engineering
  • BEng Electronic Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Industrial Engineering
  • BEng Industrial Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering
  • BEng Mechanical Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Metallurgical Engineering
  • BEng Metallurgical Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEng Mining Engineering
  • BEng Mining Engineering ENGAGE
  • BEngHons Bioengineering
  • BEngHons Chemical Engineering
  • BEngHons Computer Engineering
  • BEngHons Control Engineering
  • BEngHons Electrical Engineering
  • BEngHons Electronic Engineering
  • BEngHons Engineering and Technology Management
  • BEngHons Environmental Engineering
  • BEngHons Geotechnical Engineering
  • BEngHons Industrial Engineering
  • BEngHons Mechanical Engineering
  • BEngHons Metallurgical Engineering Welding Engineering
  • BEngHons Metallurgical Engineering
  • BEngHons Microelectronic Engineering
  • BEngHons Mining Engineering
  • BEngHons Structural Engineering
  • BEngHons Transportation Engineering
  • BEngHons Water Resources Engineering
  • BEngHons Water Utilisation Engineering
  • BIntArchHons
  • BIS Information Science
  • BIS Multimedia
  • BIS Publishing
  • BISHons Information Science
  • BISHons Multimedia
  • BISHons Publishing
  • BIT Information Systems
  • BITHons Information Systems
  • BLArchHons
  • BMus
  • BMus Extended programme
  • BNurs
  • BOccTher
  • BOH
  • BPhysio
  • BPolSci International Studies
  • BPolSci Political Studies
  • BRad in Diagnostics
  • BRadHons Diagnostics
  • BRadHons Nuclear Medicine
  • BRadHons Nuclear Medicine
  • BRadHons Radiation Therapy
  • BRadHons Radiation Therapy
  • BSc Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
  • BSc Applied Mathematics
  • BSc Architecture
  • BSc Biochemistry
  • BSc Biological Sciences
  • BSc Biotechnology
  • BSc Chemistry
  • BSc Computer Science
  • BSc Construction Management
  • BSc Culinary Science
  • BSc Ecology
  • BSc Engineering and Environmental Geology
  • BSc Entomology
  • BSc Extended programme – Biological and Agricultural Sciences
  • BSc Extended programme – Mathematical Sciences
  • BSc Extended programme – Physical Sciences
  • BSc Food Science
  • BSc Genetics
  • BSc Geography and Environmental Science
  • BSc Geoinformatics
  • BSc Geology
  • BSc Human Genetics
  • BSc Human Physiology
  • BSc Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology
  • BSc Information and Knowledge Systems
  • BSc Mathematical Statistics
  • BSc Mathematics
  • BSc Medical Sciences
  • BSc Meteorology
  • BSc Microbiology
  • BSc Nutrition
  • BSc Physics
  • BSc Plant Science
  • BSc Quantity Surveying
  • BSc Real Estate
  • BSc Zoology
  • BScAgric Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management
  • BScAgric Animal Science
  • BScAgric Applied Plant and Soil Sciences
  • BScAgric Plant Pathology
  • BScAgricHons Crop Science
  • BScHons Actuarial Science
  • BScHons Anatomy
  • BScHons Applied Mathematics
  • BScHons Applied Science Architecture
  • BScHons Applied Science Chemical Technology
  • BScHons Applied Science Environmental Technology
  • BScHons Applied Science Geotechnics
  • BScHons Applied Science Industrial Systems
  • BScHons Applied Science Mechanics
  • BScHons Applied Science Mechanics: Physical Asset Management
  • BScHons Applied Science Metallurgy
See also  University of Western Cape UWC Faculty of Natural Science Departments

Postgraduate Courses Offered

  • MArch (Professional)
  • MBChB
  • Masters in Community Dentistry
  • Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
  • Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Dent)
  • Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
  • Masters in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)
  • Masters in Oral Pathology
  • Masters in Orthodontics
  • Masters in Periodontics and Oral Medicine
  • Masters in Prosthodontics
  • MCom Accounting Sciences
  • MCom Accounting Sciences (Coursework)
  • MCom Advanced Data Analytics
  • MCom Advanced Data Analytics (Coursework)
  • MCom Agricultural Economics
  • MCom Auditing
  • MCom Business Management
  • MCom Econometrics (Coursework)
  • MCom Economics (Coursework)
  • MCom Financial Management Sciences (Coursework)
  • MCom Human Resource Management (Coursework)
  • MCom Industrial Psychology (Coursework)
  • MCom Informatics
  • MCom Marketing Management (Coursework)
  • MCom Taxation (Coursework)
  • MConSci
  • MConSci Clothing Management
  • MConSci Food Management
  • MConSci Interior Merchandise Management
  • MDietetics
  • MDietetics (Coursework)
  • MEd Adult and Community Education and Training
  • MEd Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
  • MEd Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development
  • MEd Education Management, Law and Policy
  • MEd Educational Leadership (Coursework)
  • MEd Educational Psychology (Coursework)
  • MEd Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling
  • MEng Bioengineering
  • MEng Chemical Engineering
  • MEng Computer Engineering
  • MEng Control Engineering
  • MEng Electrical Engineering
  • MEng Electronic Engineering
  • MEng Engineering Management (Coursework)
  • MEng Environmental Engineering
  • MEng Geotechnical Engineering
  • MEng Industrial Engineering
  • MEng Mechanical Engineering
  • MEng Metallurgical Engineering
  • MEng Microelectronic Engineering
  • MEng Mining Engineering
  • MEng Project Management (Coursework)
  • MEng Software Engineering
  • MEng Structural Engineering
  • MEng Technology and Innovation Management (Coursework)
  • MEng Transportation Engineering
  • MEng Water Resources Engineering
  • MEng Water Utilisation Engineering
  • MIntArch
  • MIntArch (Professional)
  • MIS Information Science
  • MIS Library Science
  • MIS Multimedia
  • MIS Publishing
  • MIT Big Data Science (Coursework)
  • MIT ICT Information Science (Coursework)
  • MIT ICT Management (Coursework)
  • MIT Information Systems
  • MLArch
  • MLArch (Professional)
  • MMed Anaesthesiology
  • MMed Anatomical Pathology
  • MMed Chemical Pathology
  • MMed Clinical Pathology
  • MMed Dermatology
  • MMed Emergency Medicine
  • MMed Family Medicine
  • MMed Forensic Pathology
  • MMed Geriatrics
  • MMed Haematology
  • MMed Internal Medicine
  • MMed Medical Microbiology
  • MMed Medical Oncology
  • MMed Medical Virology
  • MMed Neurology
  • MMed Neurosurgery
  • MA African Languages
  • MA African Languages (Coursework)
  • MA African-European Cultural Relations (Coursework)
  • MA Afrikaans
  • MA Ancient Languages and Cultures Studies
  • MA Applied Language Studies
  • MA Archaeology
  • MA Arts Therapies (Coursework)
  • MA Audiology
  • MA Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • MA Augmentative and Alternative Communication (Coursework)
  • MA Clinical Psychology (Coursework)
  • MA Counselling Psychology (Coursework)
  • MA Creative Writing
  • MA Criminology
  • MA Digital Culture and Media
  • MA Diplomatic Studies (Coursework)
  • MA Drama and Film Studies
  • MA English
  • MA Environment and Society (Coursework)
  • MA Fine Arts
  • MA French
  • MA Geography
  • MA German
  • MA Information Design
  • MA International Relations
  • MA Linguistics
  • MA Literary Theory
  • MA Philosophy
  • MA Political Science
  • MA Psychology
  • MA Research Psychology (Coursework)
  • MA Security Studies (Coursework)
  • MA Spanish
  • MA Speech-Language Pathology
  • MA Visual Studies
  • MAdmin Public Management and Policy
  • MAgric Animal Production Management
  • MAgric Extension
  • MAgric Rural Development
  • MSc Plant Science
  • MSc Project Management (Coursework)
  • MSc Quantity Surveying
  • MSc Radiation Oncology
  • MSc Real Estate Retail Property (Coursework)
  • MSc Real Estate
  • MSc Real Estate (Coursework)
  • MSc Reproductive Biology Andrology
  • MSc Reproductive Biology
  • MSc Ruminant Health (Coursework)
  • MSc Science Education
  • MSc Soil Science
  • MSc Sports Medicine (Coursework)
  • MSc Sports Science Biokinetics
  • MSc Sports Science Biomechanics
  • MSc Sports Science
  • MSc Technology and Innovation Management (Coursework)
  • MSc Tropical Animal Health (Coursework)
  • MSc Veterinary Epidemiology (Coursework)
  • MSc Veterinary Industrial Pharmacology (Coursework)
  • MSc Veterinary Public Health (Coursework)
  • MSc Veterinary Reproduction (Coursework)
  • MSc Veterinary Science Anatomy and Physiology
  • MSc Veterinary Science Companion Animal Clinical Studies
  • MSc Veterinary Science Paraclinical Sciences
  • MSc Veterinary Science Production Animal Studies
  • MSc Veterinary Science Tropical Diseases
  • MSc Water Resource Management
  • MSc Water Resource Management (Coursework)
  • MSc Wildlife Health, Ecology and Management (Coursework)
  • MSc Wildlife Management
  • MSc Zoology
  • MScAgric Agricultural Economics (Coursework)
  • MScAgric Agricultural Extension
  • MScAgric Agronomy
  • MScAgric Animal Science Animal Breeding and Genetics
  • MScAgric Animal Science Animal Nutrition
  • MScAgric Animal Science Livestock Production and Ecology
  • MScAgric Animal Science Production Physiology and Product Quality
  • MScAgric Entomology
  • MScAgric Genetics
  • MScAgric Horticulture
  • MScAgric Pasture Science
  • MScAgric Plant Pathology
  • MScAgric Soil Science
  • MSocSci Anthropology
  • MSocSci Development Studies
  • MSocSci Gender Studies
  • MSocSci Gender Studies (Coursework)
  • MSocSci Heritage and Cultural Tourism
  • MSocSci Heritage and Cultural Tourism (Coursework)
  • MSocSci Heritage and Museum Studies
  • MSocSci Heritage and Museum Studies (Coursework)
  • MSocSci History
  • MSocSci History (Coursework)
  • MSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies
  • MSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies (Coursework)
  • MSocSci Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • MSocSci Sociology
  • MSocSci Sociology (Coursework)
  • MSocSci Tangible Heritage Conservation (Coursework)
  • MSW
  • MSW Healthcare (Coursework)
  • MSW Play-based Intervention (Coursework)
  • MSW Social Development and Policy (Coursework)
  • MTh Biblical Studies New Testament and Related Literature
  • MTh Biblical Studies Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures
  • MTh Church History and Church Polity
  • MTh Church History and Church Polity (Coursework)
  • MTh Dogmatics and Christian Ethics
  • MTh Dogmatics and Christian Ethics (Coursework)
  • MTh New Testament Studies
  • MTh New Testament Studies (Coursework)
  • MTh Old Testament Studies
  • MTh Old Testament Studies (Coursework)
  • MTh Pastoral Family Therapy (Coursework)
  • MTh Practical Theology
  • MTh Practical Theology (Coursework)
  • MTh Religion Studies
  • MTh Religion Studies (Coursework)
  • MTh Science of Religion and Missiology
  • MTh Science of Religion and Missiology (Coursework)
  • MTh Youth Ministry (Coursework)
  • MTRP
  • MTRP (Coursework)
See also  Sol Plaatje University Undergraduate Courses Offered

PHD Courses Offered

  • PhD Pharmacology
  • PhD Philosophy
  • PhD Physics
  • PhD Physiotherapy
  • PhD Plant Pathology
  • PhD Plant Science
  • PhD Political Science
  • PhD Politics
  • PhD Practical Theology Pastoral Family Therapy
  • PhD Practical Theology
  • PhD Project Management
  • PhD Project Management
  • PhD Psychiatry
  • PhD Psychology
  • PhD Public Administration and Management
  • PhD Public Health
  • PhD Publishing
  • PhD Quantity Surveying
  • PhD Radiography
  • PhD Real Estate
  • PhD Religion Studies
  • PhD Reproductive Biology Andrology
  • PhD Reproductive Biology
  • PhD Rural Development
  • PhD Science and Mathematics Education
  • PhD Science of Religion and Missiology
  • PhD Semitic Languages
  • PhD Severe Disability
  • PhD Social Work
  • PhD Sociology
  • PhD Soil Science
  • PhD Speech-Language Pathology
  • PhD Sports Medicine
  • PhD Sports Science Biokinetics
  • PhD Sports Science Biomechanics
  • PhD Sports Science
  • PhD Statistics
  • PhD Surgery
  • PhD Tax Policy
  • PhD Taxation
  • PhD Technology and Innovation Management
  • PhD Technology and Innovation Management
  • PhD Theological Studies
  • PhD Tourism Management
  • PhD Town and Regional Planning
  • PhD Urology
  • PhD Veterinary Science Anatomy and Physiology
  • PhD Veterinary Science Companion Animal Clinical Studies
  • PhD Veterinary Science Paraclinical Sciences
  • PhD Veterinary Science Production Animal Studies
  • PhD Veterinary Science Veterinary Tropical Diseases
  • PhD Visual Studies
  • PhD Water Resource Management
  • PhD Wildlife Management
  • PhD Youth Ministry
  • PhD Zoology
  • PhD Education Policy Studies
  • PhD Educational Psychology
  • PhD Electric
  • PhD Electrical Engineering
  • PhD Electronic Engineering
  • PhD Electronics
  • PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology Hydrogeology
  • PhD Engineering and Environmental Geology
  • PhD Engineering Management
  • PhD Engineering Management
  • PhD English
  • PhD Entomology
  • PhD Entrepreneurship
  • PhD Environment and Society
  • PhD Environment and Society
  • PhD Environmental Economics
  • PhD Environmental Health
  • PhD Environmental Management
  • PhD Epidemiology
  • PhD Extension
  • PhD Family Medicine
  • PhD Financial Management Sciences
  • PhD Fine Arts Creative Production
  • PhD Fine Arts Curatorial Practice
  • PhD Fine Arts
  • PhD Food Science
  • PhD Forensic Pathology
  • PhD Forest Science
  • PhD Fraud Risk Management
  • PhD French
  • PhD Genetics
  • PhD Geography
  • PhD Geography
  • PhD Geoinformatics
  • PhD Geology
  • PhD German
  • PhD Greek
  • PhD Haematology
  • PhD Health Ethics
  • PhD Health Systems
  • PhD Heritage and Cultural Tourism
  • PhD Heritage and Museum Studies
  • PhD History
  • PhD Horticultural Science
  • PhD Human Genetics
  • PhD Human Physiology
  • PhD Human Resource Management
  • PhD Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  • PhD Industrial Engineering
  • PhD Industrial Systems
  • PhD Information Design
  • PhD Information Science
  • PhD Information Systems
  • PhD Information Technology
  • PhD Interior Architecture
  • PhD Internal Medicine
  • PhD International Relations
  • PhD Labour Relations Management
  • PhD Landscape Architecture
  • PhD Latin
  • PhD Leadership
  • PhD Leadership and Security Studies
  • PhD Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling
  • PhD Library Science
  • PhD Linguistics
  • PhD Literary Theory
  • PhD Marketing Management
  • PhD Mathematical Sciences
  • PhD Mathematical Statistics
  • PhD Mechanical Engineering
  • PhD Mechanics
  • PhD Medical criminalistics
  • PhD Medical Immunology
  • PhD Medical Microbiology
  • PhD Medical Nuclear Science
  • PhD Medical Oncology
  • PhD Medical Physics
  • PhD Medical Virology
  • PhD Medicinal Plant Science
  • PhD Mental Health
  • PhD Metallurgical Engineering
  • PhD Metallurgy
  • PhD Meteorology
  • PhD Microbiology
  • PhD Mining
  • PhD Mining Engineering
  • PhD Music
  • PhD Neurology
  • PhD New Testament Studies
  • PhD Nursing Science
  • PhD Nutrition
  • PhD Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • PhD Occupational Therapy
  • PhD Old Testament Studies
  • PhD Ophthalmology
  • PhD Organisational Behaviour
  • PhD Orthopaedics
  • PhD Otorhinolaryngology
  • PhD Paediatrics
  • PhD Pasture Science
  • PhD Accounting Sciences
  • PhD Actuarial Science
  • PhD Adult and Community Education and Training
  • PhD Aerospace Medicine
  • PhD African Languages
  • PhD Afrikaans
  • PhD Agricultural Economics
  • PhD Agricultural Economics
  • PhD Agronomy
  • PhD Air Quality Management
  • PhD Anaesthesiology
  • PhD Anatomical Pathology
  • PhD Anatomy
  • PhD Ancient Culture Studies
  • PhD Animal Production Management
  • PhD Animal Science
  • PhD Anthropology
  • PhD Archaeology
  • PhD Architecture
  • PhD Assessment and Quality Assurance in Education and Training
  • PhD Audiology
  • PhD Auditing
  • PhD Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • PhD Biblical Studies New Testament and Related Literature
  • PhD Biblical Studies Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures
  • PhD Biochemistry
  • PhD Bioinformatics
  • PhD Biosystems
  • PhD Biotechnology
  • PhD Business Management
  • PhD Chemical Engineering
  • PhD Chemical Pathology
  • PhD Chemical Technology
  • PhD Chemistry
  • PhD Church History and Church Polity
  • PhD Civil
  • PhD Civil Engineering
  • PhD Communication Management
  • PhD Community Health
  • PhD Computer Engineering
  • PhD Computer Science
  • PhD Computer-integrated Education
  • PhD Construction Management
  • PhD Consumer Science Clothing Management
  • PhD Consumer Science Development
  • PhD Consumer Science Food Management
  • PhD Consumer Science Interior Merchandise Management
  • PhD Creative Writing
  • PhD Criminology
  • PhD Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development
  • PhD Dentistry
  • PhD Dermatology
  • PhD Development Studies
  • PhD Diagnostic Radiology
  • PhD Dietetics
  • PhD Digital Culture and Media
  • PhD Dogmatics and Christian Ethics
  • PhD Drama
  • PhD Drama and Film Studies
  • PhD Early Childhood Intervention
  • PhD Economics
  • PhD Education Management, Law and Policy
See also  University of Limpopo Biodiversity Department

Postgraduate Diploma Courses Offered

  • PGCE Further Education and Training Teaching
  • PGCE Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching
  • Postgraduate Diploma Accounting Sciences
  • Postgraduate Diploma Animal Welfare
  • Postgraduate Diploma Communication Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Aesthetic Dentistry
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Orthodontics
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Pedodontics
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Periodontology
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Practice Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Preventive Dentistry
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Prosthetics
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Prosthodontics
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Radiography
  • Postgraduate Diploma Dentistry Restorative Dentistry
  • Postgraduate Diploma Digital Innovation
  • Postgraduate Diploma Entrepreneurship
  • Postgraduate Diploma Family Medicine
  • Postgraduate Diploma General Ultrasound
  • Postgraduate Diploma Hand Therapy
  • Postgraduate Diploma Health Systems Management Executive Leadership
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (UPOnline)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management (UP Online)
  • Postgraduate Diploma Investigative and Forensic Accounting
  • Postgraduate Diploma Laboratory Animal Science
  • Postgraduate Diploma Occupational Medicine and Health
  • Postgraduate Diploma Production Animals
  • Postgraduate Diploma Public Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma State Veterinary Medicine
  • Postgraduate Diploma Theology
  • Postgraduate Diploma Theology and Ministry
  • Postgraduate Diploma Tourism Management
  • Postgraduate Diploma Tropical Medicine and Health
  • Postgraduate Diploma Veterinary Clinical Sciences
  • Postgraduate Diploma Veterinary General
  • List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria
  • List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria
List of Courses Offered at University of Pretoria