BHC School of Design Diploma In Interior Design

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BHC School of Design Diploma In Interior Design


BHC offers a comprehensive, accredited and SAQA registered 3 years, full-time Diploma in Interior Design. The programme is designed in response to the needs of the design industry and is structured to integrate the latest industry developments into the delivery programme.

3 Years Full Time – NQF 6

360 Credits

All communication, facilitation, assessments and moderation are conducted in English

Mode of instruction includes lectures, tutorials, practical workplace training, assisted studio learning and industry outings

Throughout the three years, students are encouraged to think creatively about developing design solutions for a variety of applications, including domestic, hospitality, commercial and retail sectors.

In the first year, you will learn the fundamental knowledge and skills required to prepare a design proposal. In the second year, you will have the opportunity to refine your skills as well as focusing on developing your technical understanding of design projects. The aim of the third year is to prepare you for the world of work by developing confidence and professionalism in yourself and your work. You will also work towards preparing a design portfolio that demonstrates your knowledge, skills and personal design style.

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Subjects that are included in the programme are Practical Interior Design, Detail Design, Technical Drawing, Building Construction, Technical Services, Council Submission, Materials, History Studies, Contemporary Studies, Professional Practice, Experiential Learning as well as a variety of computer software modules.

Click here to download a copy of the Diploma in Interior Design Programme Information Pack


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