Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements

Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements


The general requirement for admission to study for a degree qualification is a
matriculation exemption certificate or a National Senior Certificate endorsed for
degree admission.


a. The standard requirement for admission to study a diploma or certificate
qualification is a school leaving certificate with a minimum aggregate symbol E-S, or
National Senior Certificate endorsed for diploma/certificate admission. All students will
be required to satisfy any additional criteria prescribed by Senate and/or the Faculties

b. To study for a postgraduate degree qualification, the general requirement for
admission is possession of a preceding degree, (e.g. first degree for Honours studies,
Honours degree or equivalent for Master’s studies, and Master’s degree for doctoral
studies). The preceding degree must have been passed at an acceptable level (see,
for example, Rule G13.3.2 and Rule G17.1).


Notwithstanding the standard requirements for admission, a non-matriculant maybe
admitted to a degree or diploma programme if he or she has obtained a certificate of
conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board on the recommendation of

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It is left to Faculties to take a decision on the equivalence of Degree and Diploma
courses are undertaken at other institutions, with the proviso that Faculties will submit
recommendations to the Senate about the status of such courses.


Applicants with the following qualifications from FET/TVET colleges and/or other
technical colleges or institutions may apply: An N3 with four subjects passed with at least 40% each, plus two official
languages: one of these to be English and to be passed at least on First or
Second Language SG or;

N4 with four subjects passed with at least 50% each, provided the person can
prove communication competence in the language of instruction (English)

NCV (L4) pass with a pass rate of 60% and above in 3 fundamental subjects,
including a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the higher
education institution OR 70% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admission
to a Bachelor’s qualification.

See also  Helderberg College Admission Requirements

NCV (L4) pass with at least 50% in 3 fundamental subjects, including a
Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the higher education institution
OR 60% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admission to diploma qualification.




The university reserves the right to set selection criteria, in addition to the minimum
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admission requirements, and to apply such criteria to admit or refuse admission to
specific qualifications and programmes, taking into consideration the university’s
targets and the capacity to offer the qualifications and programmes concerned.


The allocation of a reference number for identification purposes to an applicant who
meets the minimum admission requirements does not constitute a right to be admitted
to the university as a student.


Forms of Recognition of Prior Knowledge (RPL)


Walter Sisulu University WSU Online Application 2022 – 2023