University Of Zululand Prospectus

University Of Zululand Prospectus


The University of Zululand (also known as UNIZULU) has been designated to serve as the only comprehensive tertiary educational institution north of the uThukela River in KwaZulu-Natal.Its new status is in accordance with South Africa’s National Plan for Higher Education aimed at eradicating inequity and costly duplication. As a result, UNIZULU offers career-focused programmes as well as a limited number of relevant university degree courses that have been structured with potential employees and employers in mind.UNIZULU has the following faculties available, some are based at the main campus at KwaDlangezwa while others are based at the Richards Bay Campus.

Faculty of Science & Agriculture

+27 (0) 35 902 6649

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Faculty of Education

+27 (0) 35 902 6333

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Faculty of Arts

+27 (0) 35 902 6087

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Richards Bay

+27 (0) 35 902 6006


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Faculty of Commerce, Administration & Lw

+27 (0) 35 902 6123


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Engineering  Department



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See also  Durbanville College Prospectus