University of Western Cape Department of Sport Recreation and Exercise Science

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University of Western Cape Department of Sport Recreation and Exercise Science

UWC Department of Sport Recreation and Exercise Science – See Details Below:

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Welcome toThe Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES)

The department provides students with the necessary academic and professional skills to promote health through participation in sport, recreation and physical activities.​

The Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES) provides students with the necessary academic and professional skills to promote health through participation in sport, recreation and physical activities. 


  • The vision of the SRES Department is to empower individuals through quality education to contribute to the development of healthy communities
  • SRES Mission Statement
  • The SRES department is currently aligning its programmes to the following mission statement:

The SRES Department strives to be a centre of excellence in the provision of competent and professional practitioners through    innovative research and creative teaching who  will contribute to the development of healthy communities through sport, recreation and exercise  science.

Honours Applications 2021-2022:   (Now Open)

  • Hons Biokinetics – Complete the applications steps found on the Biokinetics tab (Closes 31 August 2020)
  • Hons Sport & Exercise Science – Complete the applications steps found on the SES Hons tab (Closes 30 September 2020)​
See also  University of Western Cape UWC Department of Computer Science

Biokinetics Internship Applications 2021-2022:   (Currently Closed)

  • Biokinetics Internship -Open for 2021-2022 applications (Go to Biokinetics tab for more infomation)​

UWC Department of Sport Recreation and Exercise Science Contact