University of the Free State UFS Department of Old and New Testament Studies

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University of the Free State UFS Department of Old and New Testament Studies

UFS Department of Old and New Testament Studies – Check below:

In this Department, we have the privilege of studying the Bible – the Old and New Testaments – intensively and in such a way that its message can be applied responsibly and ethically to our current situation. In order to achieve this, we attempt to understand the Biblical writings from their historical bedrock, thus aiming to communicate the Bible in a fresh and dynamic manner in our time.

In order to achieve this, we introduce students to the following disciplines of study:
– The methods used to expound the Biblical writings (methodology).
– The practical exposition of the Biblical writings (exegesis).
– How the Bible came into being (textual criticism and canonics).
– The social and cultural milieus in which the Biblical writings originated (background).
– How the central theological themes or message of the Biblical writings can be described (theology).
– How the exegesis and theology of the Biblical writings can currently be made understandable (hermeneutics).
– The impact of all of this on one’s spiritual life (Biblical spirituality).

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The Department offers courses on both undergraduate and postgraduate level (Honours, Masters, and PhD).