University of Stellenbosch ​​Viticulture and Oenology Department Admission Requirements

University of Stellenbosch ​​Viticulture and Oenology Department Admission Requirements 

University of Stellenbosch ​​Viticulture Requirements – See Details Below:

Admission requirements
STEP 1 Stellenbosch University’s application form(official application) Electronic:  online application at students:  apply online at
Not applicable for current SU students Please attach the following documents to your online application form:

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  • A certified copy of your academic transcripts (marks) [and English translation if in a foreign language]
  • Certified copies of degree(s) obtained. (Please note: if you currently are, registered as a student at Stellenbosch University, we will request your academic transcripts from Administration.  There is therefore no need to attach them to this application).
  • A complete Curriculum Vitae (only for master’s and doctoral applications)
  • A copy of your ID/Passport documents
  • Foreign students, whose mother tongue is not English, are requested to complete a TOEFL test.
STEP 2 Referees MSc and PhD applicants are requested to nominate at least TWO referees and provide us with their contact details.
See also  Maluti TVET College Admission Requirements 2023-2024

Selection procedure

Candidates are selected on merit and according to the following criteria:

  • undergraduate academic results
  • postgraduate academic results (if applicable)
  • practical proficiency
  • personal motivation


Feedback from referees (if applicable) is also taken into consideration to evaluate an applicant. All applications are subject to the availability of research funds and laboratory space.

Students who successfully meet the acceptance criteria, are firstly accepted provisionally if the current degree is not completed. The students must pass their exams or thesis with a minimum average of 60%, before they can be finally accepted for the postgraduate study. An unofficial email of acceptance from the DVO will then be issued. The students are however required to wait for the official acceptance letter from the University to register for their studies.