University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Courses Offered

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University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Courses Offered

University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Courses Offered – check below:

Faculty of Management and Commerce Courses Offered

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Economics: (PGDEcon) 1
2. Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy: (Preliminary)
3. Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy: (PGDipAcc)
4. Master of Commerce: M Com
5. Doctor of Public Administration
15. Master of Public Administration: MPA
16. Master of Policy Studies: MPS 3
17. Master of Commerce in Development Studies
20. Master of Administration: M Admin
21. Doctor of Philosophy (Social Science Dev): PhD (Social Science Dev)
22. Doctor of Philosophy (in Information Systems)
23. Doctor of Philosophy (in Economics) 3
25. Doctor of Philosophy (in Industrial Psychology) 3
29. Doctor of Commerce – Economics (61500)
32. Master of Commerce in Information Systems
33. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Sector Monitoring


Faculty of Health Sciences Courses

  1. Master of Nursing Science – Nursing Education
  2. Master in Nursing Science
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Management HIV/AIDS
  4. Masters in Public Health: Albertina Sisulu Executive Fellowship Programme
  5. Masters in Public Health – MPH
  6. Master in Nursing Science – Medical-surgical Nursing
  7. Master in Nursing Science – Health Management
  8. Master of Nursing Science – Psychiatric Nursing
  9. Master of Nursing Science – Community Health Nursing
  10. Advanced Diploma in District Health Management and Leadership
  11. Master of Nursing Science – Midwifery & Neonatal Nursing
  12. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

University of Fort Hare UFH Faculty of Education Courses

  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  2. Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Foundation, Intermediate & Senior Phase (GET Band)
  3. Masters in Education (By dissertation only)
  4. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
  5. Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education & Training (PGDHET)
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UFH Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Courses Offered

2. Masters of Social Science in African Studies 2
3. Master of Theology: M Theology 2
4. Master of Social Work: M SW 2
5. Master of Social Science: M Soc Sc 2
6. Master of Social Science (Rural Development): M Soc Sc (Rural Dev) 2
7. Master of Social Science (Psychology): M Soc Sc (Psych) 2
8. Master of Social Science (Counselling Psychology): M Soc Sc (C Psy) 2
9. Master of Social Science (Communication): M Soc Sc (Com) 2
10. Master of Library and Information Science: M Bibl 2
11. Master of Fine Arts: M Fine Arts 2
12. Master of Arts: MA 2
13. Master of Arts in Philosophy 2
14. Master of Arts in Music 2
15. Master of Arts in History 2
16. Master of Arts in English Languages and Comparative Literature 2
17. Master of Arts in Afrikaans 2
18. Master of Arts in African Languages 2
19. Doctor of Theology: D Theology 3
20. Doctor of Social Science: D Soc Sc 3

21. Doctor of Philosophy: PhD 3
22. Doctor of Literature and Philosophy: DLitt et. Phil 3
23. Diploma in Fine Arts: Dip FA 3


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UFH Faculty of Science and Agriculture Courses Offered 

17. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Agricultural Extension)
19. Master of Philosophy: M Phil
20. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Soil Science)

21. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Agricultural Extension)
23. Master of Philosophy: M Phil
24. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Soil Science)
25. Master of Science: M Sc (Applied Mathematics)
26. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric(Pasture Science)
27. Master of Science: M Sc(Applied Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems)
29. Master of Science: M Sc (Applied Statistics)
30. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Agricultural Economics)
31. Master of Science: M Sc (Biochemistry)
32. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
34. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc (AgricAnimal Science)
36. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric( Soil Science)
38. Master of Agriculture: M Agric(Agricultural Extension)

41. Master of Science: M Sc (Ethnobotany)
42. Master of Science: M Sc (Entomology)
43. Master of Science: M Sc (Geography)
44. Master of Science: M Sc (Geology)
46. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Pasture Science)
48. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD(Horticultural Science)
50. Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture: PhD( Animal Science)
52. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric(Horticultural Science)

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61. Master of Agriculture in Agricultural Economics

62. Master of Science in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

63. Master of Science M Sc in Botany

65. Master of Science M Sc in Chemistry

67. Master of Science M Sc in Computer Science


UFH Nelson R Mandela School of Law Courses Offered

Doctor of Laws

Master of Laws

Master of Philosophy in Human Rights

Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights