University of Cape Town UCT Department of Medicine

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University of Cape Town UCT Department of Medicine

University of Cape Town UCT Department of Medicine

University of Cape Town UCT Department of Medicine – see details below:

The Department of Medicine is a large academic and clinical department which plays a leading role in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and research. We provide clinical services to the communities of the Western Cape and, in the case of our highly specialised services, to patients throughout southern Africa.Based in Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH), the Department consists of 18 clinical divisions and 10 major research units, covering cardiology, ageing, leukaemia, lung infection, chronic diseases, porphyria, HIV and Immunology. We have a strong research ethic and a rising research output in both the basic and applied medical sciences.Our staff provide clinical care to patients in our principal teaching hospital, Groote Schuur Hospital, and in its associated regional hospitals: Somerset Hospital and Victoria Hospital, as well as in the UCT Private Academic Hospital.

See also  UCT Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Department

The Department of Medicine at George Hospital is a satellite training unit of the department. Our expertise spans the full spectrum of internal medicine, including highly specialised areas such as renal, cardiac and liver transplantation.


Divisions Research units within the divisions
Cardiology Hatter Institute for Cardiology Research
Clinical Haematology UCT Leukaemia Unit
Clinical Pharmacology
Endocrinology & Diabetic Medicine Chronic Diseases Initiative for Africa
Medical Gastroenterology
Geriatric Medicine Albertina & Walter Sisulu Institute of Ageing in Africa
Hepatology UCT Lennox Eales Porphyria Lab
Infectious Diseases Desmond Tutu HIV Centre
TB Research Group
Nephrology & Hypertension
Pulmonology Lung Infection & Immunity Unit