UCT Postgraduate Research Scholarships 2023-2024


UCT Postgraduate Research Scholarships 2023-2024

UCT Postgraduate Research Scholarships – see details below to apply…

The major sources of merit-based awards are the 2 state-funded research councils:

National Research Foundation

The NRF offers the following honours, master’s and doctoral opportunities:

2023-2024 Call for Applications NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for Full-time Studies in 2023-2024 for Honours, Master’s & Doctoral study

Categories UCT Internal Closing Dates
Honours 31 October
Masters (first-time applicant) 1 August (DATE CHANGE)
Doctoral (first-time applicant) 05 July
Master and Doctoral Extension 05 July
Doctoral Abroad (NRF-Nuffic) 31 May
  • NRF bursary and scholarship calls
  • NRF Application and Funding Guide

Medical Research Council (MRC)

For more information regarding the requirements for the MRC’s 2 scholarships, please visit the Medical Research Council’s website.

CSIR – DST Inter-Programme

Application closed

UCT research scholarships

UCT research scholarships are intended for students who are eligible for NRF (SET), NRF (SSH) and MRC bursaries but are unsuccessful with their applications.

See also  University of Pretoria Scholarships 2023-2024

Students who are eligible but fail to apply in time for the appropriate research council bursary will not be considered for UCT bursary assistance.