UCT Faculty of Science Undergraduate Registration 2023-2024

UCT Faculty of Science Undergraduate Registration 2023-2024

UCT Faculty of Science Undergraduate Registration 2023-2024

UCT Faculty of Science Undergraduate Registration – see details below on how to register…

Registration information 2023-2024


28 January 

28-29 January 





Residences are open for all new students.

All Science Faculty Non-South African SADC & International students must have their study visas, permits, fees and medical insurance checked by IAPO, in the Masingene Building, Middle Campus.

For further information, please refer to the IAPO website or contact IAPO at Fax: +27 21 650 5667, Tel: +27 21 650 2822 / 3740, or Email: int-iapo@uct.ac.za

29 January  Science Faculty orientation and registration commences at 08h00
Venue: To be advised, on Upper Campus, UCT.
All students MUST produce their identity document at registration.
29 January –                 7 February  Compulsory orientation activities & registration for all new students
7 February  First-Year Experience (FYE) day
10 February  First day of lectures
Venues are to be confirmed at the departments

Parents Orientation

This is an event organised for parents of first-year students who have received a firm offer of acceptance to study at the University. It is traditionally a time when parents are introduced to UCT and allows them to familiarise themselves with how the University operates.  It provides information on how the University is structured to offer the best possible learning environment and also explains what students can expect in their first year of study.

Parents please refer to http://dsa.uct.ac.za/student-orientation/parent-orientation closer to the time for further information (dates and times) or contact the Communication & Marketing Office at Tel: 27 21 650 4436 or Fax 27 21 650 5628.


This applies to all students who have already been registered at UCT prior to 2023-2024 and who are academically eligible to continue in 2023-2024 or have been granted special readmission by the Readmission Appeals Committee.

Returning students who are eligible for remote registration will be informed in early January 2023-2024 of the process and dates.

Details of dates and times for “live” registration

– Students with surnames A – M register on Monday 3 February 2023-2024
– Students with surnames N – Z  register on Tuesday 4 February 2023-2024
– All EDP* students are to attend registration on Monday 3 February 2023-2024  (* Extended Degree Programme)

– Please note that these are the only two days on which Student Advisers will be available and therefore returning students must register on these specified dates and times.
– R2000 late registration penalty will apply.

08h30 – 09h30 Distribution of registration forms Venues to be advised
From 09h00 Registration with Student Advisers RW James building **
09h30 (EDP students) Returning EDP studentsInformation talk on Monday 3 February 2023-2024, at 09h30 PD Hahn LTs 1 & 2

* *  Venues (specific rooms) will be indicated on a noticeboard in the foyer of the RW James building

All students MUST produce their identity document at registration.

Students with Outstanding Fees
You will NOT be allowed to register until your fee account has been settled. Please make the required payments at the Fees Office prior to registration.

See also  Prestige Academy Careers