UCT Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Registration 2023-2024

UCT Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Registration 2023-2024

UCT Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Registration – see details below:


PhD students, Research Masters (180 credit dissertation), all other Masters’ students, Honours students and PG Diploma in Power Plant Engineering students please refer to http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za/ebe- postgraduate-registration for more information on how to register, the deadlines and the penalties.


International Students (excluding Postdoctoral Fellows)

New International Students

Please report to the International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO), in the Masingene Student Administration Building, Middle Campus. (For further information, please refer to http://www.iapo.uct.ac.za/iapo/intstud/orientationpre-reg or email: iapo@uct.ac.za). You must produce a valid study permit, medical insurance certificate and proof of payment of fees to obtain clearance before registering. For more information on how to register go to http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za/ebe-postgraduate- registration

Returning International Students

SEE ALSO:  UMP Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

Please register once you have been cleared by IAPO. For more information on how to register go to http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za/ebe-postgraduate-registration

See also  University of Fort Hare UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs Registration

All postgraduate related queries can be directed to Acting Postgraduate Manager

Lisa Williams

(021 650 5739) Lisa.Williams@uct.ac.za

New Visa

Apply to home country

Renewal of Visa

Apply in SA 60 days before the expiry date

Expired Visa

Apply in your home country for a new visa