Theological Education by Extension College Fees 2024-2025

Theological Education by Extension College Fees 2024-2025


TEE College provides a range of payment options for the payment of study fees. Please remember that confirmation of payment does need to be submitted with your application form for you to be registered. Applicants need to pay for each course being registered, as well as any additional fees (such as application fees or courier charges). You will either pay the discounted amounts (when you pay fees in full at registration) or the deposit amount (when using the instalment option).

Programme Yearbooks provide the relevant fee tables and can be downloaded from the website – note that fees differ per programme and also according to the type of course registration (Full, Repeat or Component).

Discounted Fees

The College offers a discount on fees when they are paid in full at registration – this applies per course. Fees paid before 31 December receive the larger discount and are shown as Option A in the fee tables. Fees paid in full up to the close of the registration period have a lesser discount and are shown as Option B in the fee tables.

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Prior debt

Note that any payments made are first used to settle outstanding debt – this is explained in the College Rules and Regulations. Students who did not settle their accounts as agreed can only register for courses using Option A or Option B (no instalment options are available to them).

Instalment options

It is possible to pay for up to three courses using Option C. This requires that the minimum payment for the course deposits be paid at registration. Students using this option will pay the full course price (no discount). A Debit Order Authorisation Form must be completed in order to settle the related instalments. Include the completed and signed authorisation form with your application.

Payment Options

Click on your programme to view fees

Christian Ministry
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Theological Education by Extension College Online Application 2024-2025

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Theological Education by Extension College Online Registration 2024-2025

Theological Education by Extension College Programmes

Theological Education by Extension College Application Form 2024-2025

Theological Education by Extension College-New Students

Theological Education by Extension College 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Theological Education by Extension College Rules And Regulations

Theological Education by Extension College RPL

Theological Education by Extension College Banking Details

Theological Education by Extension College Bachelor Of Theology

Theological Education by Extension College Diploma In Theology

Theological Education by Extension College Higher Certificate in Theology

Theological Education by Extension College Advanced Certificate in Religious Education

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