Jeppe High School for Girls Fees 2024-2025

Jeppe High School for Girls Fees 2024-2025

School Fees

Jeppe High School for Girls maintains standards of excellence in all areas which is only possible because there is a culture of fee payment at the school.

Jeppe High School for Girls is a State-Aided public school and payment of school fees is compulsory. In State-Aided schools, the state pays the salaries of only some of the teachers and all other costs are paid for by the parents. The school has an academic staff of 55. The employment of additional staff by the Governing Body enables the school to keep classroom numbers manageable and maintain quality teaching.

Over the years, the parent body has consistently voted in support of the budgets that have been tabled. Furthermore, they have given the Governing Body a mandate to ensure that the culture of fee payment is maintained and, to take whatever action is necessary to collect fees. School fees for the coming year are set at the annual budget meeting which takes place in October. The annual increase has been between five and ten per cent over the past ten years and is related to the cost of living index.

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It is expected that parents and guardians will pay school fees in full. bursaries are available for those in straightened circumstances.

School fees for the 2024-2025 school year are R37 200.00. Fees may be paid over 10 months, termly or up-front for the year.

Please forward all queries about school fees to