Harvest Christian School Application Form 2024-2025

Harvest Christian School Application Form 2024-2025

We welcome your interest in seeking admission for your child/children at Harvest Christian Pre-Primary.

Applications are open throughout the year.

Harvest Christian School exists to serve the Christian family with whom we partner to train and disciple young people in a biblical worldview for growth, excellence and influence.

1. Applications are open throughout the year.

  • Application Fee: R500 (non-refundable).
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate or identity document of this student.
  • Certified copy of the identity document of each parent and/or guardian or debtor.
  • If the identity documents of both the mother and the father are not available, a certified copy of an unabridged birth certificate of the learner is required.
  • Certified copy of passport, work permit, and study permit, in the case of the applicant being a non-South African citizen.
  • Copy of latest report from student’s present school.
  • Copy of the most recent utilities (light/water/rates) account as proof of residential address.
  • 2 recent photographs – 1 Individual & 1 Family.
  • A copy of your child’s clinic card.
  • If either parent is self-employed, please supply company registration documents or VAT registration documents.
  • Pastor Confidential Reference.
  • School Confidential Reference.
  • Statement of Faith.
  • Completed consent for Credit Check (South African residents only).
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2. Please present the Pastor’s Confidential Reference letter to your Pastor or Church Minister who must please complete the form and return it to the Harvest Christian School office by e-mail, in a sealed envelope or by hand.

3. Please present the current School Confidential Reference letter to the student’s current school class teacher who must please complete the form and return it to the Harvest Christian School office by e-mail, or in a sealed envelope or by hand.

4. The application can only proceed to the interview stage once all of the above have been received. Receipt of the above does not guarantee the granting of an interview.

5. Admission to the school is subject to available space, curriculum compatibility and the ability of Harvest to serve your family’s needs in terms of our mission statement. Should we be unable to assist you, we will notify you in writing. Alternatively, we will contact you to arrange an interview.

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6. The presence of both parents and the student is required at the interview, except under special circumstances and by prior arrangement with the school.

7. The school will notify you of the outcome of your interview with the Deputy Head. Should your application be successful, an information pack including details of uniform, textbook and stationery requirements will be issued to you.

8. Harvest Christian School is a fee-paying School and is thus dependent on families fulfilling their monthly financial obligations to the school. Parents are required to sign a commitment to the school’s Conditions of Enrolment. The relevant School Fee Structure is included in the Application Pack.

9. Upon notification of acceptance you will then receive a letter of acceptance.

Harvest Christian School 2022 FEES STRUCTURE


Address: 83 Albert Road, Walmer
Email: Reception@harvestcs.co.za
Tel: 041 581 2007

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