Greenside Design Center College of Design Application Form 2023-2024

Greenside Design Center College of Design Application Form 2023-2024

Greenside Design Center Application Form 2023 | How to apply online, admission entry requirements, registration dates, fees, application dates, prospectus pdf download, and application closing date for 2023 Intake enrollment.

Congratulations on making the right choice to apply to study at Greenside Design Center 2023.

The Greenside Design Center online admission application form/portal 2023 is open to all qualified applicants irrespective of colour, race, ethnic identity, religion, gender, or national origin.


Are you having trouble deciding what steps you would like to follow in applying to Greenside Design Center? Planning a successful career at Greenside Design Center does not have to be a vague dream. We help prospective students make it a reality.

We hope that the information provided will enable you to make an informed decision about applying to Greenside Design Center. To help you get the most out of the information provided, here are a few key points you should bear in mind:

  1. Identify the course you wish to study
  2. The minimum entrance requirements for admission to the Greenside Design Center for a South African and Non-Soth African applicant
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Both South Africans and International interested students can apply for the Greenside Design Center Application Form 2023 provided they qualify and meet the entry requirements for the programme for which they have applied.

Note – Once the Greenside Design Center Admission Application Portal is closed, new applications will not be submitted. So register now while the applications are still ongoing.


  • Completion of National Senior Certificate with an entry into Bachelor degree programmes.
  • An ability to analyse and communicate ideas and concepts through a visual medium, to be demonstrated through an existing portfolio or by completing a drawing exercise at the college
  • Don’t meet those requirements? Don’t worry, you can still apply for our Higher Certificate in Design Thinking.
  • Or go to our affiliate partner AIE, the Academic Institute of Excellence.
  • They offer programmes in the following fields:
  • Engineering
  • Architecture and Draughting
  • Visual Design
  • IT
  • Business
  • There is always an option to start a career in design when applying at Greenside Design Center and AIE! We are Different by Design and where futures are made.
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  • Certified copies of your ID / Passport,
  • Latest school results or academic record
  • An art or design portfolio (photos of artwork can also be assessed), or a drawing exercise can be done during the interview)  
  • Complete the Registration Form and pay the Registration Fee
  • Await correspondence from GDC regarding formal registration.
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The first step to becoming a fully qualified and sought-after designer is to let us know you’re interested in enrolling with us.
GDC not only offers a January Intake 1 but now offers a July Intake 2 for the Higher Certificate in Design Thinking and BA Degree Programmes.

Greenside Design Center’s admissions department is able to do online interviews during the lockdown. Contact us via email at

We reserve the right to cancel the course. Should this be necessary payments received will be refunded.

Complete the short form on the left, and we will contact you to set up an individual interview at a time convenient to you. Apply today!

Application forms can be obtained at any of the Greenside Design Center Sites/Campuses and, or on the College Website;

For more information and inquiries, please navigate to the Greenside Design Center website.


Greenside Design Center College of Design Online Application 2023-2024

Greenside Design Center College of Design Application Form 2023-2024