Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Adult Learner Programme

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Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Adult Learner Programme

Adult Learner Programme:  Italian Pattern Making

(Programme currently on hold)

an enriching fashion experience

It is ironic that once one’s fashion sense has crystalized one tends to become dissatisfied with what is available commercially. Knowing exactly what you want makes it hard to settle for less.

Elizabeth Malherbe, the founder of the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion, has come up with the ideal solution.

Elizabeth Galloway is running a part-time Adult Learners course in Italian Pattern Making. Participants learn to draw up patterns for garments from scratch, to their own measurements and preferences. This will enable them to future sew their own unique, well-fitting clothes, or even become entrepreneurs who make garments for others.

The Adult Learners Italian Pattern Making class is fun as well as instructive. We maintain a perfect balance between imparting a particular skill set and allowing creativity to flourish. What you learn here, will have you wearing amazing garments for the rest of your life!

See also  Baptist Theological College Courses


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